Ultimii vânători-culegatori din Europa Glaciară. O reevaluare a Paleoliticului superior final din Estul României / The last hunter-gatherers of Glacial Europe. A reassessment of the final Upper Paleolithic in Eastern Romania
- https://iceageforagers.wordpress.com/
- Project Type: National
- UVT Membership Type: Beneficiary
- Project ID: 24/2021 (PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0653)
- Project Manager: Mircea Anghelinu
Neutron activation analysis and related analytical techniques for the assessment of toxic elements and health risk in sediments and fish from Danube River and Black Sea
- Project Type: National
- UVT Membership Type: Partner
- Project ID: 03-4-1128-2017/2022
- Project Manager: Claudia Stihi
- Partners: „Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Air pollution assessment by neutron activation analysis and related atomic methods using biological indicators
- Project Type: National
- UVT Membership Type: Beneficiary
- Project ID: Cod temă: 03-4-1128-2017/2022, pozitia 76 din Ordinul nr. 365/11.05.2021 /Theme code: 03-4-1128-2017/2022, position 76 of Order no. 365/11.05.2021
- Project Manager: Claudia Stihi
- Partners: „Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Investigation of the aging of magnetic sensors with thin Ni-Cu films
- Project Type: National
- UVT Membership Type: Beneficiary
- Project ID: Cod temă 04-4-1143-2021/2025, poziţia nr. 59 din Ordinul nr. 365/11.05.202 / Theme code 04-4-1143-2021/2025, position no. 59 of Order no. 365/11.05.202
- Project Manager: Anca Gheboianu; Iulian Bancuta
Micro-structural and compositional characterization of supports and coating layers on different substrates applied in biomaterials, photoelectrochemi cals catalysis and cultural heritage
- Project Type: National
- UVT Membership Type: Beneficiary
- Project ID: Cod temă: 04-4-1142-2021/2025, pozitia 48 din Ordinul nr. 365/11.05.2021 / Theme code: 04-4-1142-2021/2025, position 48 of Order no. 365/11.05.2021
- Project Manager: Cristiana Radulescu
Școală deschisă incluzivă prin științe captivante și orientate spre viitor / The inclusive open school through exciting and future-oriented sciences
- http://connect.ssai.valahia.ro/
- Project Type: National
- UVT Membership Type: Beneficiary
- Project ID: 34⁄2021 (PN-III-P3-3.6-H2020-2020-0103)
- Project Manager: Mihai Bazoi
Air pollution assessment by neutron activation analysis and related atomic methods using biological indicatos
- Project Type: National
- UVT Membership Type: Coordinator
- Project ID: 03-4-1128-2017/2022 poz 68
- Project Manager: Claudia Stihi
Contribuţii la marcarea reversibilă în domeniul criptat / Contributions to reversible marking in the encrypted domain
- Project Type: National
- UVT Membership Type: Beneficiary
- Project ID: 2PD/2020 PN-III-P1-1.1-PD2019-1165
- Project Manager: Ioan Catalin Dragoi
Neutron activation analysis and related analytical techniques for the quality in the Danube River and its deltaic areas
- Project Type: National
- UVT Membership Type: Partner
- Project ID: 03-4-1128-2017/2022 poz 71
- Project Manager: Claudia Stihi
- Partners: "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
Evaluation of the material degradation and radiation hardness of new composite materials
- Project Type: National
- UVT Membership Type: Beneficiary
- Project ID: 04-4-1122-2015/2020 poz 53
- Project Manager: Anca Gheboianu; Iulian Bancuta